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The "GDF SUEZ 2006 Innovation AWARD" for the ELECTRABEL Power Station project in Brussels, Belgium.

The Magic Monkey living architecture project for Engie’s Power Station in Drogenbos, Belgium comes alive and breathes color, motion, images, branding and emotion to the thousands of people driving by the power station every day.


Present throughout the Brussels' landscape, the massive tower becomes as graceful as a bolshoi ballerina through the unique corseted placement of thousands of individually controllable RGB LED pixels.


Its presence and scale is worth a visit, come see it live every evening and morning (GMT +1). The project was inaugurated on December 9th, 2005 and covers a total surface of 18.000 m2. It is one of the world’s longest running daily exterior architectural lighting installation : )


“We got the media coverage, promoted new low-power LED technology and raised brand awareness. Our aims were met – spectacularly,” says Mr Crochelet, Communications Director of Engie. Engie is part of the Suez group.



WEB LINKS - Suez  - Engie

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